Hello World!
I often come across a lot of interesting posts and articles,
which really amaze me and I want to share them with someone. I was reading an article, which made me smile
and then the greatest idea came to me- why not share the article with you and
make you smile too! So I decided that I will do a weekly roundup of interesting
stuff I came across on the internet: posts, articles, pictures, videos. …and
here is the first post of the series “About Interesting to Read”!
If you also have some interesting articles to share, don`t
hesitate to do it in the comment field under the blog post! I love discovering
new things!
tips for healthy teeth @Beautiful Solutions – Everybody knows the basics –
brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss, pay regular visits to the dentist,
however, I to be honest even thought I know what I am supposed to do I don`t do
it! I guess it is human nature not to worry about something until it becomes a
problem. This post is a nice reminder of how important and easy it is to take
care of our teeth!
to Perform CPR on Nail Polish @Swatch and Learn - This is a very
interesting post about how to manage your old nail polishes. I hate throwing
away anything and I keep even my oldest and thickest nail polishes. I use some
of them for doing crafts. Recently, however I discovered a
nail polish thinner available in Serbia and I am now able to revive all of
my favorite colors! In this post, another product of this type (Seche Restore)
is reviewed.
This week’s roundup is very short but I promise that next
week I will find more interesting articles for you to read!
Don`t forget to enter my BornPrettyStore
Lucky Bag giveaway – it is open internationally and it ends November 6,